Alien power cell fallout 3
Alien power cell fallout 3

alien power cell fallout 3

Anyway in that door is an underground armory which contains alien power cells aswell as lots of other items and a unique. you can find ammo for these weapons at fort inderpendance, bortherhood outcasts controled, fort banister and if you have the brokensteel add-on if you blow up the citadel instead of the adams air force base, there is a door in the citadel reckage which isn't accessable unless you blow it up. You don't need mother ship zeta add-on to find this, it is just a rare encounter. The explosion happens only once in a game, the gun is the "alien blaster - firelance" and is the unique version of the alien blaster which is also unique as there are only two of them in the game that (I know of).

alien power cell fallout 3

Somthing even stranger happend tonight it may just be my console going funny.but I went into vault 106 and the screen keeps going blue and loads of dads keep apereing is this a glitch or is it supposed to happen Do you meen the mother ship zeta add-on as I have that but cant find a ship anywhere.

Alien power cell fallout 3